2020 is gearing up to be an exciting year. Here’s a little information for those of you who might be interested, on what’s coming up and where you can see my work.
In May I’ll be exhibiting at the legendary Fox Talbot Museum at Lacock Abbey in England. This is such a highlight for me and I’m deeply honored to be able to show my Janus series at the home of photography where Henry Fox Talbot pioneered the new medium. This is my first show in England which makes it that bit more special.
June 27 sees an exhibition of my island series at the Page Gallery in Rockport. This will also be the launch of a limited edition book featuring poems and photographs, as well as an original print from the series that I’m really excited about. More on that and the opportunity to preorder, to come.
Finally in October I’ll be exhibiting with my good friend Dawn Surratt. Dawn’s work is a constant source of inspiration to me and it is a rare gift indeed to find so much talent in such a lovely person. The reception for that show will be at the wonderful A Smith Gallery in Johnson City on October 31st. I’ve wanted to show there for a long time and am thrilled that Dawn and I will also be teaching a one day workshop the day after the show.